PR with the EH108 Hand Grip Dynamometer (prod. Baker) 握力

It’s been a while since my last upload. I F Up my right palm big time and now it’s healing for almost a month. This Dyno is a cheap alternative to the expensive ones like Takei (~400USD new!) and it measured 140 kilos when my friends from the SGR tried it on the calibration device for rating the bending bars (the manufacturer says that it measures up to 120 kg). It has some drawbacks like extra resistance in the place where handles touch the body of the device on both sides, I’ve just lubricated it with a few drops of silicon oil and now it works just fine and it feels just right. Also the bottom handle had one of the two parts of the body sticking out like half a mm and it was cutting the palm a bit (5 seconds with a sandpaper to make it smooth worked out just fine). I think it’s a small price to pay to get an amazing device for that cheap. Definitely get one, it’s more than affordable (like 20 bucks with a free delivery from China). You can find it on Aliexpress by checking th
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