New Gods: Yang Jian | Shen Gongbao

《新神榜:杨戬》中嗜酒不羁的申公豹是沉香的师父,会站在屋檐上愤愤不平地诉说自己的报仇大计,会现出威风凛凛的元神,也会让严肃的一切被一个酒嗝打破~师父虽偶尔“不靠谱”,最后却为了救徒弟万箭穿心...... In “New Gods: Yang Jian”, the alcoholic Shen Gongbao is the master of Chen Xiang. He stands on the roof and indignantly talks about a revenge plan, he appears as a powerful god, and he also lets go every seriousness in the daily life~ Although Shen is occasionally “unreliable“, in the end, he saved Chen Xiang from a million arrows ......
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