A Silver Mt Zion - He Has Left Us Alone... (Full Album) [1080p]
Track Times:
Broken Chords can Sing a Little - 0:00 - 8:40
Sit in the Middle of Three Galloping Dogs - 8:40 - 13:40
Stumble then Rise on Some Awkward Morning - 13:40 - 19:52
Movie (Never Made) - 19:52 - 23:18
13 Angels Standing Guard ’round the Side of Your Bed - 23:18 - 30:38
Long March Rocket or Doomed Airliner - 30:38 - 30:43
Blown-Out Joy from Heaven’s Mercied Hole - 30:43 - 40:30
For Wanda - 40:30 - 47:09
(Ripped Directly from a physical cd to a lossless WAV format, then packaged as 1080p WMV then uploaded)
Band: A Silver Mt Zion
Country: Canada
Genres: Post-Rock, Chamber Music, Modern Classical
Release Date: March 13th 2000
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