25 Technical Photography Terms Every Beginner Must Know
1. Aperture - 0:20
2. Focal Ratio - 0:44
3. Focal Length - 0:53
4. Depth of Field - 1:15
5. Bokeh - 1:33
6. “T-Stop“ - 2:08
7. Shutter Speed - 2:36
8. Exposure - 3:09
9. Long Exposure - 3:21
10. “Exposure Triangle“ - 3:35
11. ISO - 4:06
12. Brightness - 4:42
13. Noise - 5:24
14. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) - 5:33
15. Expose to the Right (ETTR) - 6:39
16. High Dynamic Range (HDR) - 7:45
17. RAW Image Mode - 8:08
18. JPEG Image Mode - 8:11
19. Post Production - 8:21
20. Auto Shooting Mode -8:54