Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) - Requiem in Es (1789)

Composer: Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) Work: Requiem in Es (1789) Performers: CIairе Lοuchеt (soprano); Cathеrinе Cardin (mezzosoprano); Hеrvé Lamy (tenor); Jean-Lοuis Jardοn (bariton); EnsembIes Lοré & Pythagοre; Orchestre Français d’Oratorio; Jean-Piеrrе Lοré (direction) Painting: French Neoclassical School - Aurora and Cephalus () Image in high resolution: Painting: Antoine Vestier (1740-1824) (attribution) - Ignaz Pleyel (1757-1831) Image in high resolution: Ignaz Josef (Ignace Joseph) Pleyel (Ruppersthal, 18 June 1757 - Paris, 14 November 1831) Composer, music publisher and piano maker. He founded a major publishing house and a piano factory and his compositions achieved widespread popularity in Europe and North America. Pleyel’s baptismal certificate in the parish office names his father Martin, a schoolteacher, and his mother Anna Theresia. He
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