Moonshine Highway Trailer (Highway to Hell)

During prohibition days, many hillbilly moonshine stills were hidden in hills of middle America. Jed Muldoon was about the best runner of moonshine whiskey around. Usually the local yokels were kinfolk of the runners and looked the other way while they were doing business. Naturally, the federal government was missing out on some tax money and were determined to shut them down. There’s three things the government will never control, and one is making home brew. Jed Muldoon (Kyle Mac-Lachlan) zählt in den 50er-Jahren zu den fleissigsten Schwarzbrennern in den Wäldern der Appalachen. Sheriff Miller (Randy Quaid) drückt beide Augen zu, bis er entdeckt, dass Jed ein Verhältnis mit seiner Frau Ethyl (Maria Del Mar) hat. Ausserdem sorgen die Schnüffler vom FBI für Unruhe. Unter diesen Umständen entdeckt Jed seine Vorliebe für Autorennen. Sein 1953er-Lincoln kommt nicht mehr zur Ruhe...
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