7th Grade Hoop Star Jashaun Agosto playing High School Varsity AAU

7th grade Jashaun Agosto playing High School Varsity AAU in the Fall of 2010. He just recently attended the Elite 40 High School Varsity Camp at Bellevue College (an invite only camp with all the top HS Varsity players) as the ONLY middle school kid in attendance. As a 5 foot point guard with delayed puberty ( 2 yrs behind for his age as told by his doctor) watching him do battle with 10th, 11th, and 12 graders, you can easily see why he is ranked pound for pound the most skilled basketball player in the nation. He is lightning quick, has super bounce and incredible handles. His 3 point shot mid range pull up floater game is unreal. He’s a gritty in your face defender who never takes a possession off averaging over 5 steals per game . And his passing is pin point accurate (8-10 assists per game). This is all at the High School Varsity Level as a 7th grader. We’ve had 1000’s of request to post a new video. While yes we video his games, we rarely have time to get on the computer and put
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