How is Dawn getting on in her new den?

Just a few days after taking those first brave steps into her new den, Dawn’s personality is starting to break through... After 20 traumatic years on a bile farm she was almost bald from anxiously repeatedly rubbing against her cage bars in frustration. She’d learned that no matter what she did, or how she reacted to her situation, nothing would ever change. She was almost - almost - completely broken. 💚Help us reach more bears like Dawn who are still trapped on bile farms before it’s too late: 💚 But in just a few months you can see the change in our beautiful, brave bear. Her fur is growing back, her eyes are open and exploring her surroundings and she’s starting to play. 🐻 What’s next for Dawn? 🐻 Next, we’ll introduce her to Midnight, and then they will both meet Twilight. And soon after that, their den doors will open and they will step paw onto grass for the first time in their lives. Stay tuned for more updates of Dawn’s incredible journey to recovery. #bear #bearrescue #recovery #animalwelfare #animalcare #loveanimals #rehabilitation
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