Sanji - Finale [One Piece AMV]

#sanji #onepiece #onepieceamv Ok so this video was inspired by the fantastic Evangelion AMV “Neon Theater“ by PantsAMV. There are some very deliberate nods to that AMV cause I couldn’t help myself lol that video really did something to my brain chemistry. Please go watch it, it’s so good: Basically, I wanted to edit Sanji vs Queen and I felt like the only way of doing it justice would be like an Extreme version of episode 1061 with even more visual cues and flashbacks to show what Sanji is feeling. I really like the lyrics “go ahead and do it one more time“, with how much Queen is taunting Sanji about the Vinsmokes, making him relive his trauma - one more time. I’m obsessed with the over the top cheerful nature of WCI with its musical numbers, and I will take any opportunity to lip sync the singing creatures in my videos lol they’re so much fun and in this case they really reinforce the irony of the lyrics paired wit
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