NINA HAGEN LIVE MOSCOW 21/10/2009 (video full show)

This video bootleg was taped from the audience during Nina Hagen’s concert at B1 in Moscow, Russia. The quality is pretty good. Subscribe to Nina’s Youtube channel : - 1,500 videos and live bootlegs. Updates on Facebook : Subscribe to the Facebook group for daily videos, songs, pictures, press clippings and surprises : TRACKLIST : Jesus Is A Rock Killer (Adamski) Some Of These Days Atomic Flash Deluxe Like An Angel Passing Through My Room (ABBA) Happiness Boom Russian Reggae Soma Koma Comandante Che Guevara The Lord’s Prayer Hold Me (Mahalia Jackson) Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt (Zarah Leander) Riders On The Storm (Doors) What It Is Nina 4 President Berlin Ave Maria My Way Free Ride Jesus Is In My Heart Giant Step We Are The
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