HackTheBox - Retired

00:00 - Intro 01:00 - Start of nmap 01:50 - Talking about what the page parameter does and why its normally vulnerable to LFI 03:20 - Running gobuster to get a list of files on the webserver while we poke at the LFI 04:45 - Finding an LFI in combination with an EAR (Execute After Read) Vulnerability. Then examining the source code of to see the vulnerability 06:50 - There was an sanitize string function that wasn’t recursive, explaining how we could exploit this. 10:00 - Discovering which is a license upload, grabbing the source code and vulnerable application 13:00 - Grabbing netstat like information, running processes, and memory maps with our LFI Vulnerability 16:25 - Playing with the activate_license executable and finding a buffer overflow 19:50 - Using GDB to examine the crash, need to use set follow-fork-mode child to follow the fork 22:55 - Crashing the program with a pattern and finding the offset to RSP 23:55 - Start of creating our exploit script 24:30 - Extracting where activate_license and libc exists within memory using the /proc/pid/maps file 22:55 - Using objdump to dump the location of system() within the libc version running on the target 27:57 - Using ropper to search for gadgets, pop rdi - pop rdx - and one to move values from rdx to rdi 30:20 - Using readelf to look for a writable space within memory for us to write our malicious command to 32:00 - Building the rop chain to write our command to memory, then call system 37:43 - Reverse shell returned running linpeas a 40:00 - Failing to run CVE-2022-0847, not sure why 43:50 - Discovering a timer that backs up the website as the dev user and its vulnerable to a symlink attack. Grabbing the home directory of dev which has an ssh key 46:20 - Examining the ememu directory in dev which is a C Program 47:30 - Talking about Binfms and how we will be able to create an interpreter for extensions that executes code as root 49:30 - Talking about the cap_dac_override permission 50:20 - Exploiting our ability to write to the binfmt_misc/register to get root
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