Архангел Михаил удаляет внутренний гнев и печаль, исцеляющая музыка от стресса, беспокойства - YouTube

Archangel Michael Remove Inner Anger and Sadness, Healing Music for Stress, Anxiety and Depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Music: Moose ©Copyright: Animation: Leo Images/photos licensed from: Shutterstock Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or sleep relaxations. Welcome to a new direct of relaxing music on the Angelic Meditation channel . They can leave the video at low volume and start doing any task like studying, working, reading... or just relaxing or sleeping peacefully. If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don’t forget to like it. namaste 🎼 MISSION 🎵 Relaxation and Meditation. Guided Meditations. Relaxations to s
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