How I Make Wheel Thrown Pottery Bowls — Step by Step

Deep bowls, from start to finish. A process that usually takes weeks or months, depending on how many pieces I’m working on, edited into less than a minute. Each is thrown from 1 lb, (454 grams), of high iron stoneware clay, which is then trimmed to approximately half that weight. The bowls are then bisque fired to 1000ºc, this hardens the clay and makes it porous, ready for the next step, the glazing. Before that the foot ring is waxed, which acts like a simple resist, as the foot can’t be glazed otherwise it’ll fuse to the kiln shelf. What follows are the bowls being dunked into a feldspathic glaze, in this case it contains 1% red iron oxide, this is what causes the green tinge in the finished work. Next, the pots are quickly tidied up before being packed into my Rohde KG-340 gas kiln and finally reduction fired over a nine-hour period. At long last the pots are taken out of the kiln; the bases are sanded smooth and they’re finally ready—phew. #ceramics #satisfyingvideo #how
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