5 Often Used Sentence Patterns | Daily Mandarin Chinese

5 Often Used Sentence Patterns | Daily Mandarin Chinese Learning these sentence patterns can help you express better in Mandarin. This video includes not only patterns but also some examples and practice (a dialogue). For me, learning a language is not about how many vocab words you know, it is about whether you know how to use the vocabulary you’ve learned! Therefore I always give examples, I hope this helps! :) The timecode of five patterns: 00:24 (1) 看起來 It seems like 01:37 (2) 如果......可以嗎? Is it okay if...? 03:03 (3) 這就是為什麼 This is why 04:24 (4) 忘記跟你說 I forgot to tell you 06:17 (5) 我的意思是 I mean The simplified Chinese of the dialogue: A: 我们想一下明天要去哪里。 Let’s think about where we should go tomorrow. B: 我都可以 Anything is fine with me. A: 如果去游泳可以吗? Is it okay if we go swimming? B: 忘记跟你说我其实不喜欢游泳 I forgot to tell you that I actually don’t really like swimming A: 那...如果去爬山可以吗? Then… Is it okay if we go hiking? B: 我也不喜欢爬山。I don’t like hiking either. A: 看起来你只想待在家 It seems like you simply want to stay at
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