British Electric Reel 1 (1948)

Reel 1. Pathe News items: “The King Opens Power Station“. Aerial shot of Kingston-on-Thames power station. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are greeted by Lady Mayoress and other dignitaries. King makes a speech. Shots of him and the Queen. He declares the power station open and flicks a switch. Plaque is unveiled. Interior of the station as the King and Queen are shown around. Soundtrack talks of this “newly nationalised industry“ and gives details of how the station was built. This is probably a duplicate of item - date is 1948. “Britain Prepares for Cold Snap“. A man chops up tinder wood. Woman leans out of house window beckoning someone in. She pulls her dressing gown around her neck as if feeling the cold. Man builds an outside fire. Montage showing domestic use of electricity “the inside story of modern man’s home“: flicking a light switch, lights go on, vacuum cleaner, radio dials turned, ironing, woman putting kettle on as man ties his tie. He flicks a light switch, li
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