[Healing VR-log] 360° VR Tour | Exposure to Healthy Phytoncides (Feat. Angelina Danilova)

[ This video was shot in compliance with the government guidelines for the prevention of COVID-19 ] Napory Farm has a forest trail with relatively young 13- to 25-year-old cypress trees believed to emit the most immense amount of phytoncide.🌿 The forest trail has uniquely themed sections—with cypress sawdust, wooden slices placed like stepping stones, a pool mixed with red clay to soak your feet in, hammocks, and an air café. As you enjoy walking barefoot, experience how the forest clears your head and nose. It is highly effective in boosting immunity, relieving stress, and treating rhinitis and respiratory diseases. There are numerous activities you can join as well, cypress woodcraft, barista, and soap making. Produced & edited by Lucid Dream [ 본 영상은 코로나19 방역수칙을 준수하며 촬영했습니다 ] 나폴리농원은 피톤치드 방출량이 왕성한 수령 13~25년 정도의 젊은 편백나무로 숲길을 꾸몄습니다. 🌿 산책로는 편백 톱밥이 깔린 구간, 나무 슬라이스를 징검다리처럼 둔 구간, 황토를 섞은 물에 발을 담그는 구간, 해먹, 공기 카페 등 구성이 다양합니다. 재미있게 즐기다 보면 어느새 콧속이 뻥 뚫리고 머리가 시원해집니다. 면역 증&
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