Reverse catch External rotation

Here is our classmate @cascone_ac performing a reverse catch external rotation on the part 1 of 2 plyometric shoulder strengthening series. Overhead athletes require optimal mobility and stability of the shoulder complex to prevent common shoulder disorders. This is especially important due hyperlaxity of the anterior glenohumeral capsule commonly seen in these athletes. The rotator cuff is a crucial set of muscles that provide dynamic stability of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa, compensating for the hyperlaxed capsule. This laxity may place excessive stress/strain on the rotator cuff muscles. In particular, during the deceleration and follow through phase of throwing, the Teres Minor and Infraspinatus are most susceptible to overuse injury. During these phases, extreme forces are imposed on the two muscles. They act together to dissipate the forces and eccentrically control the arm through out both phases. When the rotator cuff muscles fail to provide stability (i.e. due to injury, weakness, flexibi
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