Wind 185 km/h, China is on its knees! Typhoon Muifa heads towards Shanghai

Natural disaster. Wind 185 km/h! Emergency evacuation in China! Typhoon Muifa heads towards Shanghai Typhoon Muifa had maximum sustained winds of 145 kilometers an hour as it moved northeast, the Hong Kong Observatory said. The storm’s track would take it just east of the city of Shanghai and then inland through Jiangsu and Shandong provinces on China’s northeast coast. All flights were canceled at the Ningbo airport and more than 11,000 fishing boats returned to port in Zhejiang province, according to Chinese media reports. Muifa will bring torrential rains as it sweeps through eastern and southern coastal areas, including the commercial hub of Shanghai #muifa #china #typhoon #storm #hail #rain #weather #hurricane #wind #flood #shanghai #zhoushan #news A natural disaster is a serious adverse event caused by natural processes on Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, rain, hail, wildfi
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