Common Table Expression - CTE | CTE vs DT | CTE vs SubQuery | Recursive vs Non-Recursive CTE
Common Table Expression - CTE | CTE vs DT | CTE vs SubQuery | Recursive vs Non-Recursive CTE
Q01. What is Common Table Expression and which version of SQL supports the Common Table Expression?
Q02. What is the difference between Common Table Expression and Derived Table and SubQuery?
Q03. Is Nested CTE and Recursive CTE allowed in SQL?
Q04. Can you use the CTE without the alias name?
Q05. Can you JOIN a table with the CTE?
Q06. Can you use a CTE in the WHERE clause?
Q07. Are duplicate column names allowed in the CTE?
Q08. Is an anonymous column name or column with no name is allowed in the CTE?
Q09. Can you use filter the record by applying the ORDER BY clause in the CTE?
Q10. Can you DELETE the records from the CTE? Does it also affect the actual underlying base table?
Q11. Can you UPDATE the records from the CTE? Does it also affect the actual underlying base table?
Q12. Can you INSERT the records from the CTE? Does it also affect the act
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