My Hero Academia - Boku no Hero Academia OST [Piano]

Sorry for not uploading for a very long time. I was busy with a lot of private stuff and my Animenz Live 2018 tour also kept me busy. But all is well now, because... 私が来た!! I finally caught up some Anime series in the past few months. I haven’t watched so many anime episodes in such a short time since YEARS and damn, it feels so good to be truly “back into anime“. (I have almost watched zero anime series in both 2017 and 2018, but now I have caught up most of it) Speaking of missing out: Why didn’t you guys tell me about Boku no Hero Academia before? It’s freaking awesome and the animation is absolutely amazing! I started with this track “My Hero Academia“, because it’s one of my favorite OSTs of BnHA and I love the bass rhythms in this track. Since it’s been a while to make an arrangement, I didn’t use my “old techniques“ like arpeggios and “three hand technique"
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