Machin3 Tools Blender Tutorial - Part 2: TOOLS
Hard Surface Modeling For Beginners (FREE)
This is a Machin3 Tools Blender Tutorial for the latest version of Machin3 Tools () and Blender 3.1 In this part we will discuss tools of Machin3 tools.
➤Buy Mesh Machine, Decal Machine, Machine Tools (affiliate links):
Intro 0:00
Smart Vert 00:34
Smart Edge 08:51
Smart Face 15:35
Clean Up 17:31
Edge Constraint 20:53
Extrude (Punch It) 24:31
Focus 28:01
Mirror 30:00
Align 31:15
Group 34:12
Smart Drive 40:44
Assetbrowser Tools 41:59
Filebrowser Tools 44:42
Render 45:28
Smooth 48:34
Clipping Toggle 49:14
Surface Slide 50:49
Apply 52:08
Material Picker 52:57
Select 54:01
Mesh Cut 55:23
Thread 56:26
Unity and Customize 57:13
Machin3 Tools Blender Tutorial - Part 1: PIE MENUS
➤Blender Bros Discord and FB
➤Ryuu’s links (stores / websites / portfolios)
Blender add-ons that I use everyday and recommend:
➤Buy HARDOPS and BOXCUTTER addons (affiliate link):
➤Buy Mesh Machine, Decal Machine, Machine Tools (affiliate links):
➤Buy Quick Shot / KITOPS 2 / Definitely EEVEE materials / Bevel
➤Buy Cablerator (affiliate link)
➤Power Save / Power Link / Power Backup
➤Zen UV