Techniques of Bā čuxe (Ba Chukhe) wrestling: a traditional wrestling art from Iran

Techniques of Bā čuxe (Ba Chukhe) wrestling: a traditional wrestling art from Iran There are more than twenty different traditional wrestling arts that are practiced in today Iran. One of them which is practiced in the region of great Khorasan province is called košti-ye Bā čuxe (Ba Chukhe) wrestling. This wrestling art is performed by wearing knee‐length pants and a thick jacket and is famed for its powerful throws and leg trips. For my peer-review academic article on this wrestling art that was published in RAMA (Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas) of the University of Leon (Spain), see: ā_čuxe_Wrestling_A_Traditional_Wrestling_Art_from_Iran_Revista_de_Artes_Marciales_Asiáticas_9_2_Julio_Diciembre_2014_pp_116_129
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