Outfit7 NOW 2021 | Exclusive Highlights

From the release of new games, to opening up our games to premium ad inventories, the future of Outfit7 is packed with new products to launch, new boundaries to smash, and even more ways for us to bring our A-game. We shared it all during Outfit7 NOW 2021, our first-ever industry live event. Our team took the stage to share an exclusive first look at what’s coming next for us, including details about our recent repositioning and the expansion of our game portfolio. The aim? To bring our multi-brand and multi-platform experience to even more users around the world. Watch and see in our official video! With announcements, talks, keynote speeches, live music and more, the event was a knock-out. We can’t wait for you to join us for Outfit7 NOW 2022. Who knows what we’ll be announcing then… #Outfit7 #Team #Culture
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