An expat navigating BANKING IN THAILAND.

Today was the day. I’m finally opening my bank account in Thailand. The 4th bank I went into got it done. Each bank had different requirements. I’ll tell ya about it. My name is Brian but everyone calls me Greeny. I retired in January of 2020 after working 30 years in my field. I didn’t want to work so long that I would be too old to enjoy my retirement. After living in Michigan my whole life I decided I wanted to retire somewhere warm, somewhere exotic. I sampled a ton of places in the Caribbean, Panama, Colombia, Turkey but set my sights on Thailand. I spent most of the winter of 2020 exploring Thailand then know what happened. IT!!! So I had to catch one of the last flights and come home. Now I’m back. Why am I making videos? I need a hobby. I feel if I don’t do anything creative my mind may melt. I can also easily go back and reminisce by watching the videos. If anyone else enjoys them then that is a plus.
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