Feed Me with Your Heart

Happy Halloween! Here’s a creepy song about Queen Chrysalis from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. - Download: - For more Halloween fun, check out these other songs we’ve worked on... 2 Spooky 4U - Sally’s Song - - Lyrics: Missing? Goodness, no! I have been right here all along Well, I stepped out for a moment But I’m back where I belong Yes, I, the one you care for Really, who else would I be? Now just relax, my darling, And give all your love to me This room is rather cozy And this clothing’s awfully nice Your affection is delectable I think this will suffice Call me a romantic But I feel we’re quite the pair Me, the changeling succubus And you, the unaware So feed me with your heart My sweet, unwitting devotee You’ve someone else in mind But it’s a
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