Motörhead - Ace of Spades 4K - The Young Ones - Television Appearance/BBC Session 1984

“I hear you’re looking for an unknown guitarist. Well, there’s nobody more unknown than me.” - Wurzel. Motörhead’s first outing with Brian Robertson’s replacements Mick ‘Wurzel’ Burston and Phil Campbell. A great performance hiding the ongoing difficulties in the band since the departure of guitar mainstay Fast Eddie Clarke. Lemmy - We couldn’t decide between the two of them, so we had them both come back. The plan was to hold a battle of the guitarists to see which of ’em came out on top. Then, the morning of the final audition, Philthy left the band. “Our manager, Douglas, called me up early, at nine that morning and said, ‘I’m coming to pick you up in five minutes.’ ‘What for?’ I asked. ‘We’ve got to see Phil Taylor,’ he told me, and I knew right then what was up.” “Douglas and I went round to his house and he told us, ‘I’m leaving.’ ‘Man, your timing is great!’ I said. There we were with auditions to do that day with two guitarists who had t
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