[VERIFIED] The Golden by Bo and more!

The Golden by Bo and many others has finally been verified after a hard two months and 52870 attempts. When I first saw previous of this level, I was blown away by its quality. To think that I was the verifier of one of my all time favorite levels makes me very happy. The decoration is among the best I have ever seen and the gameplay is also well made too. When I first started playing The Golden, I kept buffing and buffing it until it was almost impossible. I really wanted to see how far I could push myself with it. However, due to Bo wanting the level out faster and the level getting leaked, I had to revert some of my buffs. I was actually really happy about this since I was getting tired of grinding a top 1 demon without progressing much. If you wanted TG to be the next top 1 demon, I’m not sorry at all. Overall I think the version that got verified is the best version of The Golden in terms of difficulty and balancing. I think The Golden is harder than Kenos and easier than Zodiac, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were harder than Zodiac and maybe even Tartarus. The Golden can be split up into 3 equal length sections. The predrop (0-27), The midscections (27-72), and the ending (72-100). The predrop is the easiest of the three sections in my opinion because it is mostly consistent and the cube is really easy. I think the midsection is the hardest part because there are a lot more clicks to get consistent at and it is overall slightly tighter than the predrop. The ending is in between the difficulty of the other two sections. I’d say the last 20% of The Golden is the hardest last 20% of any demon besides Thinking Space. Speaking in halves instead of thirds, I would say this level is pretty balanced. At first I thought the 1st half was harder, but then I got really consistent at the waves. I died at the end SO MUCH. I must have gotten to the robot about 45 times! I died in the last 20% of the level 29 times total. 16 of which were at the last ship and 4 of which were at 94. I guess that’s what I deserve for getting lucky on so many of my rebeats haha (I still have some to publicize). It also explains why I was not very nervous at the end. Thank you Bo for letting me verify your masterpiece. Thank you for being patient with me even when I was doing other levels. Excellent job to all of the creators. The winner of the attempt guessing is stebe who guessed 52867 attempts which is only 3 attempts off! Check the pinned comment on the post. Level Name: The Golden Published by: BoBoBoBoBoBoBo ID: 60978746 Password: 886988 Decoration team: Part 1: 0-13% -- El3ctr0/Gooseam Part 2: 14-27% -- Geemi/Woomy Part 3: 28-50% -- El3ctr0 Part 4: 50-72% -- E. O. T. S. Part 5: 72-86% -- Bo Part 6: 86-100% -- Eridani Ending Art: BySelling Position on Demonlist: N/A My Placement on Demonlist: 3 Song - Thunderzone v2 by Waterflame: My Top 10 Achievements: Tartarus (#1 Demon): Zodiac (#2 Demon): Kenos (#3 Demon): Crimson Planet (#4 Demon): Renevant (#5 Demon): Cognition (#6 Demon): Bloodlust (#7 Demon): Calculator Core (#8 Demon): Lucid Nightmares (#9 Demon): Kowareta (#10 Demon): Thumbnail by Airbound: Join Discord Server!
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