Python Attacks Alligator 03 Music

American Alligators are opportunistic feeders and have been know to prey on snakes, including venomous snakes such as cottonmouth and rattlesnakes but they also prey on large constrictors such as the invasive Burmese Python in South Florida. Regardless, killing a most snakes is not an easy task even for Florida’s top predator. Alligators prefer to drown their prey and would keep it submerged for a few minutes before swallowing it whole. This killing technique might work well with birds and mammals but it certainly doesn’t work quite as well with the venomous cottonmouth, which can stay underwater for about thirty minutes. Again and again, the alligator bites down on its prey in an attend to kill and swallow it before any larger alligators take not of his catch. In a fight for its life, the highly venomous cottonmouth attends to bite its predator, yet adult alligators have developed immunity to such attacks, subsequently a venomous snakes bite is of little c
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