☼ Watch in 720p for best quality.
☺ Feedback is greatly appreciated, even if you haven’t read/watched the series :-)
♦ Contains THE kiss. If you haven’t watched DH2, steer clear.
I’m planning on making a Doctor/Amy vid for my SYTYCV entry, but I have no clips of Doctor Who so far. If you have any idea on where I can download HD episodes of series 5 and 6, please let me know asap, I need to get started with it so I can meet the deadline! Thanks in advance xxx
First full video in almost 10 months!!!
My love for Harry Potter keeps increasing more and more and as soon as I got my hands on HD clips (and a working computer, lol) I had to make a vid about the otp of all otps. Apologies for rubbish quality DH2, can’t be helped.
I’ve got some good stuff in mind for future videos - Doctor/Amy, Cook/Effy, HP tribute, Mini/Alo... the list goes on!
♪ Song: Soul Meets Body - Death Cab For Cutie (pitch-