The HORRIFIC Torture Of The German Women That Slept With Hitler’s Enemy

In France during the Second World War, many women who had slept with the Germans during the occupation of the country were punished during the Ugly Carnival. They often had their heads shaved and were forced to run the gauntlet, however something similar occurred inside of Nazi Germany as Hitler sought to punish women who had slept with people he deemed to be undesirable and non-aryan. Hitler was obsessed with protecting his ’master race’ and he even brought in laws to prevent those people having relations with others, and marriage between these kinds of people were discouraged. In Germany, Rassenschande was considered a crime and this was when ethnic Germans slept with non aryans or had relations with them. Hitler called for women who were found guilty of this to be paraded throughout the streets, and they had their heads shaved and were forced to wear humiliating placards outlining their crimes. They also after this were often sent to concentration camps our were sought by the SA and SS for
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