Dumbbell 2-Way Shoulder Raise | Exercise Demo

In this video, Red Dot Fitness shows you how to do the Dumbbell 2-Way Shoulder Raise. Coaching Cues: Body Position: Standing upright with tall chest and arms down at sides; keep eyes forward. Grip: Hold dumbbells at sides with a neutral grip/palms facing midline. Movement: Squeeze shoulder blades down and back prior to initiating shoulder movement. With straight arms (slight bend in elbow is okay), lift both arms out to your sides until they are roughly parallel with the ground, then slowly lower to the start position. Next, rotate arms so palms are facing behind you. Initiate movement by lifting straight arms (slight bend in elbow is okay) forward and upward. Lower the arms from this position, then repeat sequence. Stability: Keep legs tensed and feet planted firmly on the ground; do not bounce legs or swing torso. Website: Instagram: YouTube:
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