Священна війна - Священная Война, The Sacred War (Ukrainian Lyrics, Version & English Translation)

Facebook My Group: “The Sacred War“ (Russian: Священная война Svyashchennaya Voyna, also known as Вставай, страна огромная! Vstavay, strana ogromnaya, “Arise, Great (Vast) Country!“) was one of the most famous Soviet songs of the Second World War. The music is by Aleksandr Aleksandrov, founder of the Alexandrov Ensemble and the music composer for the National Anthem of the Soviet Union. The lyrics are by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. *This video is for entertainment and use educational material only. I haven’t the intention of either side to take any blasted from Ukrainian people are fighting against Russian terrorists who seized the Donbass and downed Boeing 777 was an event in 2014* These songs are for educational purposes and don’t reflect my beliefs or are meant to further a political agenda and social. Lyrics & Version in Ukraine: Вставай, В країно гордая, Вставай, це твій двобій! З Кремлем та злими ордами З рашистами на бій! Ненависть благородна Най хвилями зринав
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