10 Years of Ampisound - Parkour & Freerunning

Ten years of Ampisound. One million subscribers. It’s difficult to even begin to comprehend how we got here. Ampisound has grown from a logo doodled in a school maths book, to a worldwide recognised symbol within the parkour community. What started as an awkward kid making parkour videos of his friends, turned into the central project of his adult life. Things have somehow progressed from community jam videos, to large scale productions. Projects with brands, budgets and cameras that film in higher resolutions than 720p. One million people have felt moved enough to subscribe. Saying ‘We like what you’ve made enough that we want to see more’ through their subscription and support. The parkour community has reshaped entire lives in unique and positive ways. One of the core values with this channel has always been to inspire through movement. If the moments captured here have given reason for a single person to involve themselves in Parkour, the
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