How to study SAT vocabulary

Now watch how we study #vocabulary with stories. #satvocabulary #sattutor In this video, Kostia is telling a story about his trip to Istambul, Turkey. We are discussing different ways to learn difficult vocabulary. - - - - - - - Kostia is using 20 words from Vocabulary Test 1, , Gruber’s SAT Word Master, 2nd Edition. Words mentioned in the video story: 1. OBNOXIOUS = objectionable 2. VERBATIM = word for word 3. ENTICE = attract 4. ACCLAIM = applaud 5. TURBULENCE = commotion 6. DEFER = postpone 7. ADAGE = proverb 8. ENSUE = follow 9. ZENITH = summit 10. HYPOTHETICAL = theoretical 11. SUPERFICIAL = shallow 12. DISPARAGE = belittle 13. PROTAGONIST = leading character 14. LUDICROUS = ridiculous 15. INTREPID = fearless 16. FILCH = steal 17. URBANE = polished 18. DECANT = pour off 19. ANTITHESIS = contrast 20. HERETICAL = unorthodox
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