This Is Lloyds Aka All Risks - Reel 2 (1961)

Reel 2 01:17:16 High angle shot of marine floor at Lloyd’s Insurance underwriters in London. Underwriter and client discuss business. C/U hand writing details. The Lloyd’s bell rings. People look up .C/U bell. High angle shot of floor. Man in robes reads out report about ship safely into port. Shot of floor. C/U Latine bell. High angle shot. Lloyd’s caller (dressed in red robes) speaks into microphone. Man walks up to caller’s desk. In the gallery, man walks up to staff member who enters name on Telewriter (very strange gadget with transmits handwriting). C/U telewriter working. Caller calls out names. Broker walks to telephone dial. Screen of indicator board shows where the broker can be found. Man walks from caller’s desk. Underwriters at work. C/U handwriting of deal. C/U of bridge blueprint being folded. 01:19:55 Committee meeting in room. Adam’s fireplace. C/U painting of ship above fireplace. C/U hand ticking of items on agenda paper. Members of committee voting by placing balls in box with yes
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