Sound Recording Room / Foley Room - Sound Absorption

NOTE: This is for recording DRY sound effect source material and it’s NOT for recording music (if that is what you want to do, you should not treat the entire room like I have =) While building my sound recording room I made some sound recording tests for all the various steps of treating the room to absorb sound reflection. This video goes through what I did and compares the sound result by demonstrating speech and hand claps. In order not to make the speech volume way too low I used fast limiter and increased the audio gain by 20 dB because the hand clap peaks are extremely loud compared to the speech. I also increased gain of the speech segments by another 6 dB. At 17:25 in the video you can find a quick comparison between the different stages. The purpose of this room is to record dry source material with no echo or reverb (at least very little of it) and also isolating from disturbing sounds. I’ve built this room in my detached garage so it’s a separate room within the garage. It does totally remove
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