STEVE PRIEST ***FAN SPECIAL*** - The Priest the whole Priest and nothing but THE PRIEST! An awesomely powerful song sung by STEVE PRIEST - remarkable bassist and 25% of the band SWEET. The many incarnations of FABULOUS STEVE PRIEST are captured here in this slideshow (took me ages to do btw) MY TRIBUTE to a beautiful fun loving man, whose birthday was on 23rd Feb - he’s just turned 61. PLEASE Steve come back over to the UK and do a gig for us - it’s been so long, and we are aching to see you once again. You still have many MANY fans here (old and new) - we want to hear you caress your bass, we want to see that delicious smile, we want to see those deep soulful blue eyes. . . but most of all we want to hear (and see) you sing. We’ve been deprived too long, why should the US have you all to itself? C’MON STEVE . . . do what you do best . . belt out those tunes in old Blighty, for the home crowd. (*_*) STEVE’S BOOK: (1 copy available her
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