Pocahontas And Kovu CrossOver

ok this has never been done before it just came to me one day heres the story Pocahontas had a very hard life she was running through the woods one day trying to escape the pain she has been through she looked through the bushes seeing a lion frightened she backed up he smiled at her she realized he was not dangerous she felt something between him she could hear him speaking her mother spirit gave her the gift she spent days with him running through the woods to see him eventually she started falling for him but he was a lion she could never be with kovu loved him every night he would beg her to stay she would leave kovu was sad knowing as well he could not be with her kovus pride found out he was seeing her angry they tried to kill him pocahontas knew something was wrong she ran as fast as she could but a lioness spotted her pushing her to the ground the lioness thought she had killed kovu and pocahontas but she didnt pocahontas walked looking for kovu with no sign of him she asked the spirits to transform her into a lioness once changed she ran to find him fearing the worse she cried kovu found her confused as to what she did ....pocahontas saw him and smiled they were together forever
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