~【理渚】5センチ先の夢 踊ってみた - Niconico Video sm38244414

Because you are watching “you of that day“. I enjoyed dancing the songs that attracted me and the choreography that was cute but had an adult-like atmosphere! I hope you can see it till the end ^^ Thank you, Mr. Suzo, Mr. Samon, Mr. Guest, and Nikoni advertisement! ☆楽曲本家様 H△G様 ☆振付本家様 sm38111164 足太ぺんた様 ☆撮影補助 まみを ☆踊り・編集・撮影 理渚 Twitter:@Rina_dance0901 マイリスト:mylist/62856907 理渚 02/12/2021 20:00 Views 524
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