The Baby Deer that didn’t need Rescuing!

If you find a deer fawn, please follow these 3 simple rules: 1. DO NOT TOUCH IT Unless it’s in immediate danger, such as in the middle of the road, don’t touch it. A mother deer will reject her young if she picks up the human scent. 2. Walk Away Quietly 99% of the time the mother is very close by, if you’re walking your dog, put it on a lead. 3. Call the Experts If you are concerned about the fawn’s safety, ring your local wildlife centre. Every year hundreds of young deer lose their lives here in the UK because members of the public find a deer fawn that’s on its own and, unwittingly, interfere. Mother deer leave their young by themselves for long periods during the day and night, this is to prevent the fawn from becoming exhausted as it would if following its mother all day as she browses for food. If you find a young fawn, please walk away from it immediately; deer are pre-programmed to be terrified of humans, it’s what keeps them safe. It’s very natural for a baby to be on its own but its mot
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