Dr. Casper Darling all 3 Videos | Dark Place , Meeting Tom , Lake House 𖦹▼ Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 Dr. Casper Darling Easter Egg Videos Extracted from Game Files as far as I know The Lake house video is not something you can find in the current version of the game, and only exists in game files. I posted it only because people are asking about it. However, a complete playthrough of Final Draft will sill leave you missing a few Alice Videos, 1 Darling Video, and 1 Nightsprings video. Until I know otherwise I think these spots are just being held for future content. 𖦹 ▼ 00:00 Video 01 Dr. Darling in the Dark Place 𖦹 03:13 Video 02 Dr. Darling meets Tom Zane 𖦹 05:20 Video 03 Dr. Darling Invites you to the Lake House ▼
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