Осторожно, очень трогательный ролик!)
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Still shaking! Thank you to the mystery lady that helped and all the people that paid attention and stopped, it was very appreciated. Kitten turned out to be a he, and is resting safely now.
Update - To answer some questions -
- Named him Skidmark.
- Keeping him for now.
- Have tried to contact person in red car, but she was unavailable. Either to find out if Skids is hers, or to make sure she knows strays a
3 months ago 00:51:17 12
Новогодние подарки для всех наших домашних животных / SANI vlog
5 months ago 00:02:16 1
Маленького котёнка выбросили из машины. История спасения котёнка по имени Лисёнок. ❤️