The Real TRUTH About The Georgia Guidestones - What NOBODY Is Saying

✈️ ADEPT EXPEDITIONS TOURS » 🐫 ANCIENT EGYPT MYSTERY SCHOOLS » 👕 MERCH (AnyexTee-SHIRTS, hoodies & more!) » 💗 SUPPORT MY MISSION » The Real TRUTH about the Georgia Guidestones. This is what nobody is saying. In this video we reveal the orignator and his intent. I also visit the Great Sphinx of Egypt to provide an explanation for my statement regarding the damage and destruction to the Georgia Gudiestones by explosives. The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed, but they represented much more than just a few lines of vague text. The Georgia Guidestones were a calendar, clock and compasss in granite paying homage to the ancient tradition of megalithic builders with respect to universal, eternal principles. They served as a tool for humanity. Further, an entire philosophy was destroyed that may be ascertained and best understood by reading the origina
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