How to Paint SOLAR AUXILIA | INFANTRY | Army Painting | 3 Schemes | WARHAMMER: The Horus Heresy
In this video we review the new Solar Auxiliary iplastic infantry kit and paint up 3 different schemes for your 30k armies.
#horusheresy #solarauxilia #paintingwarhammer
00:00 - Intro
03:06 - Manachean Bulls
14:04 - Agathon Cohort, Lord Marshal’s Own
25:49 - Cthonian Headhunters
Paints Used:
Cthonian Headhunters:
GW - Iron Warriors
GW - Runelord Brass
GW - Thondia Brown
GW - Flesh Tearers Red
GW - Ratling Grime
GW - Eshin Grey
GW - Skavenblight Dinge
GW - Poxwalker
Mig - Gunmetal drybrush
VMA - Steel
S75 - Decayed Metal
S75 - Gobi Brown
Tamiya - Clear Green
VMC - Black
VMC - Pale Blue
Oil - ABT 502 Shadow Brown
Manachean Bulls:
GW - Iron Warriors
GW - Teclis Blue
GW - Thondia Brown
GW - Runelord Brass
GW - Karak Stone
VMA - Steel Blue
VMC - US Olive Drab
GW - Poxwalker
GW - Ratling Grime
VMA - Steel
Tamiya - Clear Red
VMC - Black
S75 - Decayed Metal
S75 - Gobi Bro