Ross and Joey Works at the Museum of Natural History

Watch and study English with “Friends“ [SCENE: Museum cafeteria. There are three tables. Joey is sitting at an end table with 2 other guys wearing the same blue blazer. The table in the middle is empty. The table on the other side is filled with guys in white coats.] [A girl (Rhonda) with a blue blazer enters the cafeteria and starts to sit down next to Joey.] Joey: Oh, uh, would you mind sitting here? [gesturing across from him] I’m saving this seat for my friend Ross. Rhonda: You mean Dr. Geller? Joey: Doctor? I didn’t know he had a nickname. Rhonda: Oh, he won’t sit here. Only the people in the white coats sit over there [gesturing to the other end table] and only the people with the blue blazers sit over here. Joey: Well, uh, how come? Rhonda: That’s just the way it is. Joey: That’s crazy. Rhonda: Maybe it’s crazy in a perfect world -- a world without lab coats or blazers. But you not in a perfect world. You in a museum now. [looks behind he
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