Israel’s Ex-Justice Minister WALKS OUT After Being Challenged on Gaza Slaughter, October 7th

EVADE CENSORSHIP, SUBSCRIBE TO US ON RUMBLE: FIRST AIRED: FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Israel’s former Justice Minister Yossi Beilin. In a heated exchange, Afshin Rattansi challenges him on Gaza’s mass-slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, the parallels between Palestinian resistance and Nelson Mandela’s ANC resistance, dubious evidence surrounding October 7th and evidence of Israeli friendly fire, and Israel’s support for jihadists in Syria. Furious at the direction of the interview, Yossi Beilin would abruptly end the interview. Finally, in tribute to the award-winning writer, poet, and celebrated anti-racist and anti-colonial trailblazer Benjamin Zephaniah who passed away this Thursday, we play for our audience our last interview with Benjamin Zephaniah which first aired on the 27th of May 2019.
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