This time is quite thick, barely made it with these guys. Serah is debuff aura build only. Probably could do better with other guys but this is good enough. Serah should be on Shiva Ultimate banner later.
Vivi is getting a lot better. Usable but unfortunately not so OP since his Dbl Blk is only 1 use per EX shot. Zidane also getting a lot better, but he’s a bit too damn fast he’s running out of skill faster. Serah is also pretty good but lacking firepower without Moonlight Charge & Boost passive and yet sh
1 year ago 00:11:27 1
Eiko is broken .... able to manipulate all 10 FT for the perfect set-up... what? JP DFFOO
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Gladio Makes Lvl3 SHINRYU a Joke! Weekly Crystal Quest Run (Black) [DFFOO JP]
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