Defence Against Disease (1972)

Unused / unissued material - Part of a short documentary about various diseases and how to combat them. CU of model of chemical molecule. Title reads: “The World Around Us“. VS of nurse cleaning wound / cut in man’s leg. It is quite gory. MS of nurse washing hands. VS of medical instruments being sterilised in machine. VS of young child being given an injection of the Smallpox vaccine. VS of another child being given an injection with a hypodermic syringe by a doctor. VS of Polio vaccine being placed on sugar cube. The sugar cube is given to the child. VS of syringe and vials of medicine. Ext. sign for ’Family Health Clinic’. People go in. VS of waiting room. CU of hands placing slide into microscope. VS of rubbish being pushed into tip. CU of rat running amidst the rubbish. VS of camp in famine centre (possibly in India / Bangladesh or Pakistan). Shots of people getting water from pump - it looks very poor water - possibly a Cholera risk. CU of rat in rubbish dump. VS of mosquitos and flies. More sc
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