Toned Inner Thighs! - Summer Shape Up Challenge

Welcome to Day 6 of Summer Shape Up Challenge! I am so ready for this Leg Workout, focusing all on those Inner Thighs, to help give us those sexy, long, toned legs. Make sure you really focus on the quality here of the workouts, and think about the mind muscle connection to get deeper into the leg muscles. Make sure to do a little warm up beforehand and a stretch afterwards - which you can access in my community or my website below. Enjoy and don’t forget to come into the Free Holly Dolke Community and share how it went. Love Holly xx CHAPTERS 00:00: Intro 00:15: Curtsey Lunge Kick 01:10: Rest 01:20: Other Side 02:10: Rest 02:20: Plie Inner Pulses 03:10: Rest 03:20: Bridges Open Close 04:10: Rest 04:20: Crab Cross Leg Kick 05:10: Rest 05:20: Other Side 06:10: Rest 06:20: Inner Thigh Lift 07:10: Rest 07:20: Front and Back Leg Lift 08:10: Rest 08:20: Inner Thigh Lift 09:10: Rest 09:20: F
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