(QUALITY) How to avoid BUBBLES without a pressure pot. | DIY Resin Casting

I share almost every trick I know for eliminating bubbles in resin casts. I make videos every week, thanks to direct support. If you would like to help Steady Craftin keep on going (and receive some extras too), please consider supporting: TIP JAR PATREON 0:00 Beautiful day introduction 2:16 JOOG your molds, tilt tap 4:52 Mold VIBRATION 5:22 POWDER your molds 6:35 Resin PRE-SHAKE 7:16 Resin HIGH-POUR 7:55 SCREEN trick 8:37 FINGERTIP (and toothpic) technique 9:29 SHOP LOG (Stickers, Music, and Video Quality) 11:22 INJECT resin 12:00 “What’s the best most durable resin I can use?“ 12:36 Mold VENTS (Brass tube trick) 14:27 Quick bonus CUP MOLD TRICK 14:41 Closing words at night 15:11 End Credits Blooper ETSY SHOP (Stickers and more!) FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM @stead
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